Creative Engagement Techniques to Manage Behaviour in Children's Yoga
Do you struggle to keep children engaged during yoga and mindfulness sessions? Wondering how to make poses more engaging for kids? Here's...

Yoga & Story Telling
Wondering how to incorporate story-telling into your yoga sessions with children and teens? Here, I discuss how to fluidly and...

Enhance Your Yoga Classes with Music
I'm sure many of us would agree, music can be powerful! It can assist in setting the mood and manipulating the energy of your children's...

Yoga Poses for Mediation with Children
Give children freedom, choice and safety during meditation sessions with these simple, creative alternatives to shavasana. Join our Live...

Guiding Visualisations
Some essential tips for creating and guiding visualisations for children. To learn more about meditation for children, join our 4-week...

My Must-Have Yoga Resources for Kids Classes
As a Globe-trotting, travelling yoga teacher and trainer, I have a very limited amount of space, and therefore resources, that I carry...

Teaching Large-Scale Children's Yoga Classes
My Top 3 techniques for leading large-scale children's yoga classes.

Conserve Your Energy Whilst Teaching Children's Yoga
Teaching children's yoga can be so much fun and highly-energetic, but often I find teachers are giving so much of their energy to each...