Be Your Own Hero: An Interview with Amanda JP Brown
Watch my interview with the fabulous Amanda JP Brown, Author of 'You're Brave Enough', Empowerment Coach and certified Infant & Toddler...

Creative Engagement Techniques to Manage Behaviour in Children's Yoga
Do you struggle to keep children engaged during yoga and mindfulness sessions? Wondering how to make poses more engaging for kids? Here's...

My Favourite Children's Books to Incorporate Yoga
Story-telling is a wonderful way to share yoga with children. It can be very simple way to weave creative breathing techniques and fun...

Yoga for Toddlers
Yoga for the under 3's can be so beneficial and rewarding but it can also be incredibly challenging. The 'terrible twos' is a difficult...

Mindfulness Techniques When Travelling with Children
Keeping children mindful, focused and calm on long haul journeys is never easy (or fun). Here are my top mindfulness techniques to try on...

My Must-Have Yoga Resources for Kids Classes
As a Globe-trotting, travelling yoga teacher and trainer, I have a very limited amount of space, and therefore resources, that I carry...

Moving Meditations for the Everyday Classroom
3 simple moving meditations to use with children during transitions times in the everyday classroom schedule. You can also try these...

2 Breathing Techniques for Anxiety & Stress
I'd like to share with you my favourite breathing techniques for anxiety, stress and overwhelming emotions. These simple techniques can...

Playful May
Celebrating Playful May with my favourite playful pose for both adult and children's classes.

Mandala Art Meditation for Children
This is a simple, beautiful art meditation that you can use with children of varying ages and abilities. Mandala meditations are a...